This a toy commercial for Major Matt Mason Mattels man in space. This was the first commercial that introduced this very popular toy to kids of the space race
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
December 18, 2007 Subject:
Definitely one of my favorite toys! I remember my folks got me one of the auxiliary guys as a kindergarden graduation present (1969!). Unfortunately, if
you bent the arms too much, the wire would poke through. Try getting away with that now-a-days!
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
December 18, 2007 Subject:
Wow. thanks for posting this vid. I was reminiscing with someone over the weekend about favorite xmas gifts. The guys I was talking with looked at
me like I was crazy when I described Major Matt. They had never heard of this toy. If I recall, he came with a space sled. very cool. thanks again
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August 21, 2007 Subject:
Disappointing in the extreme
There is something very funky about the encode of this particular piece. QuickTime does not want to play it. VisualHub won't convert it to DV. Only VLC
and its tolerance of file quirkiness will play it through. Too's cool when it finally plays. I can't use it in any mashups, though.
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July 9, 2006 Subject:
I LOVE this!
I was the only kid on my street with Major Matt Mason while the others had G.I. Joe. My parents did not want soldiers and guns etc. in our playtime.
/>And I am still grateful for that. I found my MMMs a while ago. Very dirty, somewhat damaged but they still bring a charge to this big 43 year old kid.
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April 9, 2006 Subject:
matt mason
I thought it would be nice to see some vintage toy commercials on the archive, so here is one that you might remember ENJOY!!